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256) U2 - Achtung Baby

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Big information, another enlightening moment from me. In case people don’t know for quite a considerable period many people bought U2 albums as every single one of them went straight in at number one. I didn’t. I was the same with them as I was with David Bowie. The odd single I liked but, and I’m certain I was not the only one, I thought Bono was a bit of an annoying pain in the arse and by the time of The Joshua Tree I didn’t even want to hear the singles.


October 91 and Top of the Pops was truly horrendous as we had endured Brian Adams at number one for seven years with the truly awful Everything I Do. Who did we have to thank for ending the nations pain, U2 with The Fly. However, then I heard it, this wasn’t earnest U2 we had a nice dirty guitar riff, Bono almost talking us to the chorus, I wasn’t sure about the falsetto moment, but this was much better, or maybe, I was just grateful they had got rid of Brian.


Follow up Mysterious Ways was even better as, dare I say it, U2 went funky. To have the level of success they had I was in no doubt that the four of them were talented musicians, but I wasn’t expecting them to reinvent the band, why should they as they were massive, good on them.


My friend got married the following year and whilst she was signing the register, One was played and I was warned by a friend to say nothing, I did say something, I shocked her by saying I don’t mind that song.


Where else can we go? The album opened strongly with a heavy beat, distorted guitar, and Bono’s vocal on Zoo Station.


Edge is having the time of his life on this record riffing all over the songs and deciding to hit the effects pedal, Even Better Than the Real Thing he excels whilst the band would know this would have stadiums bouncing and his solo on the closer Love is Blindness is full of emotion, I have read his marriage was ending during the making of this record, a hard time but he delivers.


Bono isn’t an arse on this, he is more reflective and understated, the rhythm section is more exposed (especially Adam Clayton with his penis out on the cover), it’s a band record, I love the backing on Ultra Violet.


I bought this and the follow up Zooropa, for me they were never this interesting again, but they tried on this record and succeeded.




GIVE IT A STREAM: Even Better Than The Real Thing



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