In our last review for The Fall, we had Spencer Birtwistle only lasting one album before being replaced by Dave Milner, well guess what Spencer’s back and Dave’s gone. Oh, and why not have a whole new rhythm section as Jim Watts had walked and Steve Trafford was in. I suggested last time they were back in the Premier League, yet but their transfer policy is like a Division two side with swap deals all over the place to keep the team fresh.
Ride Away opens with a single drumbeat before Mark comes in then a childlike keyboard and then a simple riff. It never deviates in speed or changes, an odd opener but I would never skip it as there is something, but I am still not sure what. Pacifying Joint is simple bass, drum, guitar and keys, if Ride Away could make you think the band were lethargic then this and What About Us (the hideous Harold Shipman mentioned)certainly blow off the cobwebs, magical thundering beats and Eleni shouting “pop, pop, pop” in the background, strangely brilliant.
Midnight in Aspen is quite simply a lovely tune with Smith talking over the top and listen to The Fall rock out on Assume before Aspen Reprise and shocker, its lovely.
So far, so bloody good, how about we go up a notch with Blindness, just listen to that bass, this is seven minutes of a band locked into a groove with Smith weaving around. It’s the Fall and it’s marvellous as is their cover of I Can Hear the Grass Grow, shambolic but their own and guess who Bo Demmick borrows from but is not the most memorable. Clasp Hands bounds along and is light for The Fall, but enjoyable and Early Days of Channel Fuhrer is a nice break from the relentlessness and well played Ben Pritchard on guitar, you can guess what’s going to happen to him.
Sadly, the record goes on to long Youwanner has a great riff but that’s it, Breaking the Rules the kazoo is back and Trust In Me, are you ready for this Mark E Smith is not even on it, what a fantastic ten track tight record this could have been.
When The Fall are good, they are simply incredibly good but then if you like The Fall then that’s a truly pointless statement.
GIVE IT A STREAM: Blindness (listen to this on YouTube as this album is not on Apple Music so many thanks to Will Neville for helping me out gaining access to the tracks)