We all have done it. You hear of a band. You read the reviews, you think I must listen to them, they sound like my sort of band. Nearly thirty years pass, and you still have not done it.
That’s exactly what I would have done with Grant Lee Buffalo, they would have passed me by, but thankfully I have been asked to review this.
Grant Lee Buffalo was a three piece from America who despite critical acclaim and support slots with the likes of REM and praise from Michael Stipe (this was his album of the year) sadly never sold in substantial numbers.
Not that it matters, many a good album does not sell well, and this is one of them and what is not in doubt is that Grant Lee Phillips has a beautiful voice and knows how to write a catchy song.
The Shining Hour opens the album strongly a light breezy guitar opens it up to the band coming in on a great tempo song and when Grant shouts/sings the words The Shining Hour you will feel a tingle. The title track is slow burner, and Wish You Well reminds me of Green era REM for some reason, I can see why Stipe liked them.
The masterpiece, for me, is Dixie Drug Store. A bar like piano tells us a story of a meeting with a playful young lady. It’s one of the best songs I have heard this year, it’s just twenty-nine years old.
The plan for the site was give a bit of my personality in quick reviews and for people to request me to review an album. This album makes me thankful I started this.
GIVE IT A STREAM: Dixie Drug Store