Okay I know I have done it to death, but That Petrol Emotion should have been huge. Listen to their last album and then listen to Oasis last album, one huge, one not. No justice in this world.
In 2015 4/5ths of the Petrols came back together and released Anima Rising (Review 23 have a look https://www.albumsin200words.co.uk/post/23-everlasting-yeah-anima-rising) which should have put them back in the spotlight but illness to two of the members scuppered that. When they were ready to go again there was a small matter of that bloody thing called covid, I really hope there are never any rakes lying around near Ciaran, Raymond, Brendan, and Damian.
Start of the year pics and videos started to appear on social media of them back in the studio and now we have album number two Staying Cool Staying Free where they deliver seven songs in just under forty minutes. This may be a shock to you all, but I am telling you it’s magnificent.
The singing is split between Raymond and Ciaran although each member chips in with backing vocals. Anima was a wonderful record, but we have a fuller sound here. Girl From Micki City is out on YouTube (go and watch it with your bank card in your hand because as soon as you hear it you will ordering this record) with crisp guitars and an instant catchy chorus, the better half has said stop singing “Girl from Miki City” over and over again, easier said than done.
Myself When I Am Real, this is where you can marvel at the same wavelength these four men are on as they lock into a groove for four minutes before Raymond comes in on vocals.
The ballad You Can’t Hold Water in a Closed Fist you can just use the words beautiful, sung and played.
Traditional side one ends with Hurricane Nation as the band harmonise over a riff that lodges and stays in your brain and Brendan and Ciaran show that not many come close as a rhythm sections.
Raymond storms out of the blocks on Rise Up, for me there seems to be a joy that they are back making music together and then we have the seriously rocking out Dylan 65, if you loved the Petrols this will make you smile, and half way through the band hold back on us before taking us back in, my favourite at the moment and what guitarists Damian and Raymond are.
The band take us out on the majestically restrained Heartbeat Still which has a dramatic feel over the eight and a half minutes and again some wonderful musicianship.
I never doubted that this would not be wonderful record but during Myself When I Am Real Raymond sings “Everything’s gonna be all right” Was there ever any doubt? Get on it.
GIVE IT A STREAM: Dylan 65 – the record is not available to stream but purchase vinyl or cd at https://www.facebook.com/everlastingyeah